The William T. Grant Foundation invests in high-quality research focused on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people in the United States.
We are focused on programs, policies, and practices that can reduce inequality in youth outcomes, and strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth.
Grant Programs
Our grant programs support research that builds stronger theory and empirical evidence in our focus areas. Funding opportunities include grants for mid-career researchers and career-development awards for promising early-career scholars.
About Us
We begin with a set of questions, not preconceptions. And we focus our support on learning more about long-term, fundamental challenges. This means looking beyond the front page, asking big questions, and being open to unexpected answers.
Our History
Since our founding in 1936, the William T. Grant Foundation has worked to further the understanding of human behavior through research.
Upcoming Funding Opportunities
The online application is now open. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is August 4, 2024 at 3:00pm EST. 2024 application guidelines are now available.
The online application is now open. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is August 4, 2024 at 3:00pm EST. 2024 application guidelines are now available.
The online application is currently closed. The deadline for 2021 applications is TBD.
Institutional Challenge Grant
The online application is now open. The next deadline for applications is September 10, 2024, at 3:00 PM EST. Updated application guidelines are now available.
Featured Resource
Research-Practice Partnerships Microsite:
Guiding tips, work samples, and resources from successful research-practice partnerships
Featured Updates

By Carolyn Heinrich, Jennifer Darling-Aduana, and Annalee Good
Digital educational tools are touted for their promise in increasing equitable access to enhanced learning opportunities and improving educational outcomes for K-12 students. Yet there is a growing consensus that the thorniest challenges schools and educators face in integrating educational technology are around how digital learning interacts with the systemic social, economic, racial, and historical patterns of inequity in education.

Foundation News
We are proud to announce six new research grants, including five to support studies on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and one to support a study on improving the use of research evidence. Approved at the Foundation’s March board meeting, these grants will build theory and empirical evidence in our two focus areas.

The Foundation is interested in funding studies that examine social movements as a strategy to target macro-structural inequalities that affect youth outcomes. Such studies might focus on youth-led movements or on adult-led movements that affect youth, but the central focus should examine the conditions or mechanisms through which movements can reduce inequality in youth outcomes.

Foundation News

By Danny Schneider and Kristen Harknett
As the shock of the current health and economic crisis takes a heavy toll on millions of Americans employed in the service sector, we must remember that millions of children are also vulnerable to dire consequences.